Based on Psalm 44
Psalm 44 is a prayer we can pray in first-person written during the time of King Hezekiah around 700 BC. The background on these verses can be found in 2 Kings 19 and Isaiah 37. This Psalm is a Psalm written by the sons of Korah, who were the choir-masters and song leaders of this period. It was the outpour of oppression. The Israelites were being oppressed and intimidated by the Syrian empire, and even King Hezekiah was ridden with fear. He did what any man of God would do, entered the house of God and cried out before Him. You can read the questions of God’s silence and the complaints about what God had done in these verses. The people felt as though He abandoned them. But we know that God never abandons us. We may not see what He is doing, but He always sees our feelings. He is always working behind the scenes, especially during times of trauma and crisis around the world. He knows the hearts of people and the thoughts of people. He knows how many have come to know Him in their times of need, how many backsliders have returned to Him, and their prayers. Their prayers are like incense before Him, a sweet aroma.
This Psalm shows us that even our accusations and complaints can be offered to the Lord. This is not something that should be practiced regularly, but in times of trouble, He wants us to bring our feelings and requests before Him so He can cleanse us and help us see Him for who He is: our leader and Father who is always in control of all things. So, we can seek His face and come to His throne. Whether you can relate to this Psalm personally according to your situation or if you are being persecuted or suffering for the cause of Christ, you can continue to uphold your City and nation for the kingdom of God and pray that His will be done in your own life and your family. May you continue to feel His grace and mercy in your life.